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We have the right solution for every industry.

Your IT infrastructure is as unique as your enterprise. From appliances to servers, Fusion-io application acceleration solutions integrate easily into any architecture to deliver scalable performance and efficiency.

Over 75% of the Fortune 100 use solutions from Fusion-io, along with the Internet’s hottest companies. Rest assured we are ready with the expertise and proven flash application acceleration technologies to power your business. If you use the web, chances are you are already using Fusion-io.
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Who we are
With over 20 years supporting corporate, business and education customers in NZ, the Digital Management team will be able to provide your organisation with the professional advice and trusted partnership needed to keep your systems running smoothly.
Contact us
Feel free to get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements.

Phone: 02825541772
Email: [email protected]

PO Box 47373
Ponsonby, Auckland, 1144
New Zealand