American Power Conversion provides protection against many of the primary causes of data loss, hardware damage and downtime. Founded in 1981, APC is a leading provider of global, end-to-end AC and DC-based back-up power products and services, which include surge suppressors, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), power conditioning equipment, power management software, and DC power systems as well as precision cooling equipment, and professional and consulting services for Nonstop Networking™. APC, known for Legendary Reliability™, sets the standard for quality, innovation and support for power protection solutions from desktop systems to data center operations to entire facilities. Its comprehensive solutions, which are designed for both home and corporate environments, improve the manageability, availability and performance of sensitive electronic, network, communication and industrial equipment of all sizes.
APC offer an industry leading IT environment solution based on a philosophy of modular systems. The APC portfolio offers a product set to enable all business the ability to pay as they grow. This is achieved by basing a system off a scalable chassis that enables for additional power or battery modules to be added as the business needs to scale in size, two benefits providing by this architecture type are – higher efficiency reducing electrical losses and cost as well as redundant configuration ensuring failover is available providing higher availability uptimes.
This same design is passed from power to cooling with scalable in row cooling systems designed to also reduce operational cost by shortening the distance air delivery must travel to the IT load and scaling air delivery temperature, humidity and quantity to what is required through a series of variable speed fans. Legacy data centres would require a UPS to be connected to an electrical switchboard on the wall prior to distributing the power though a series of electrical outlets on the wall, ceiling or floor.
This method of power distribution exposes problems to a business adjusting its needs and is costly when parts and labour are taken into consideration. To offset this, APC designed a series of modular and scalable power distribution systems starting with 5RU rack mount devices to complete 277kW free standing systems that require a one off electrical installation, that then allow anyone from IT manager to receptionist to simply plug devices into the system as required.
Hot isle containment is proven to be the most efficient way of operating a data centre, by holding the expelled hot air in a chamber at the rear of the equipment to cycle into the rear of the in-row cooling technology APC have reduced business power consumption & losses considerably. This is achieved through use of the Netshelter SX range of racks and accessories to design a modular customised data centre that can be setup to provide solutions to every need be it low or high density server equipment, storage or network communications.
APC has the broadest portfolio of products, solutions and services from a one stop shop for Network Critical Physical Infrastructure: