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Threat detection and cyber security awareness needs a dedicated team on your side. Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and prevalent. As an organisation, if you are collecting personally identifiable information from customers, you are required to take reasonable steps to protect that data. Data breaches cost time and money and can affect your organisation’s reputation.

Ensuring your information systems are secure and taking preventative action with a holistic approach to cyber security risks is crucial. This involves having the right people and processes, advanced technology that can respond to new threats and regularly testing and reviewing systems to ensure they are still effective.

Cyber Security SOLUTIONS

  • Assessment of your current cyber security environment
  • Ransomware protection
  • Complete endpoint protection
  • Network, end-user and server protective cyber security solutions
  • Cyber security awareness testing and training for end-users
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Who we are
With over 20 years supporting corporate, business and education customers in NZ, the Digital Management team will be able to provide your organisation with the professional advice and trusted partnership needed to keep your systems running smoothly.
Contact us
Feel free to get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements.

Phone: 02825541772
Email: [email protected]

PO Box 47373
Ponsonby, Auckland, 1144
New Zealand